Ack!  12 already?!?  Actually, this boy has always thought that he was older than his age!  There has been a real change in Cody in the past 6 months....not emotionally so much as physically.  He has grown about 4" (10 cm) and has gained 12 pounds!  I can see it in his face, neck and shoulders.  Not sure if I can blame those 12 pounds on puberty or all the fairy bread at the school canteen!  (Seriously, the boy is addicted!  White bread, butter and sprinkles!  He orders 7 pieces several days a week!)

Just like in Canada, Cody's birthday comes at a very busy time for the family.  We are at the end of Term 2 and the calendar is PACKED with adventures for us and then we leave for holidays on Saturday!  We planned to celebrate Cody's birthday on Tuesday with Howard taking Cody and his friend, Lucas, to the movies.  Unfortunately, they were all rated M so that was not an option!  I surprised Cody by bringing Lucas home after school and we cooked another of Cody's favorite canteen foods...chicken nuggets.  The boys had a bit of a play time and then we watched a movie.  Howard ran Lucas back later that night.

On Cody's real birthday, he took 4 dozen cupcakes to school to share with his mates.  We ate leftover chicken nuggets and cupcakes...really fancy!  As always, the best part for him were the presents.  The Conlans sent Canadian trinkets, the Tervets bought him the coolest little speaker that he'd been admiring in their car in March, and the family bought him Sydney Swans clothes and 2 tickets to an AFL game with a friend.  ( fit that in!!)  

Looks like the friends party will be a big one but the date has not yet been determinedt.  It's hard to pick a date between all the footy and soccer teams that the boys and their friends play for a future blog.

Thanks to all our family and friends for the cards, e-mails, birthday $$ and phone calls.  He did have a great couple of days with more to come! 

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