So this is it, everyone.  The Jacksons are off to begin their adventures today!  It has been hectic (to say the least) and we appreciate everyone who offered to help us in anyway.  We have the best friends and family!  In 1-24 hour period alone, I had 3 different friends volunteer to paint our bathroom ceiling, loan me an expensive camera lens for the year and finish some urgent sewing.  I am greatful to these ladies and will remember to "pay it forward". 

Howard and I also wanted to thank our friends that hosted or attended Christmas/Farewell parties for us!  I have the best pictures from a couple of these parties but, regretably, they are already packed away.  (Trust me, you all would have enjoyed Kim competing in Just Dance 3 or Ann M. giving me the bunny ears at our Bonkos party!  (By the way, Howard broke a toe or two taking a picture of us girls at Bonkos!  Official photographer is dangerous stuff!) 

And so here we go.  Stay in touch this year and please know how much we appreciate all of your help this fall....driving boys to hockey practices and games, cooking meals for us, painting, sewing, play dates, sleep overs, hosting parties, attending parties, hauling loads to the Interval Home, cleaning our house, waiting for the carpet cleaners that never showed up, dealing with our power outages and broken phone line, cooking my boys grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch on Christmas Eve and playing mini-sticks, letting me sneak back into the school after it was closed for Christmas, driving Khye to daycare and school and just generally picking up the ball when it occasionally was dropped!  We will miss you all and think of you with warm thoughts. 
I have a good husband....make that a great husband!  Not only does he work full time, cook suppers, do dishes and laundry, and raise 4 boys, he also is super handy! 

Our bathroom is awesome!  The shower is large and the curtain no longer sticks to my leg (hate that), the toilet flushes when you push or pull the lever (water saver) and the flooring is beautiful (I think it's my favorite part!).  One lesson learned, if we had to do it over again, we would hire out the drywall.  Boy, you really have to be an expert to get that looking good.  Regardless of the lumps and bumps, it's 1000 times better than what we started with and we are super happy. 

Crazy thing, we designed the bathroom colors and accessories around these great tiles that I chose for the back splash.  Unfortunately, when we got all the fixtures back into our little bathroom, we realized we didn't have room for the tiles (or even a toilet paper holder for that matter!)  The tiles were returned to the store and the toilet paper will sit in a holder on the floor....not ideal but necessary.  So, the next time you need a pit stop, stop at our place and check out my husband's handy work!  It sure is pretty!

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I used to think that people accomplished a lot of big jobs on the "To Do" List when getting ready for a wedding or, like this spring, an anniversary party.  But let me tell you, they ain't got nothin' on us!  If you really want to get jobs done around your house and farm, try moving to Australia!
Since early Fall, Howard or I have sanded and painted the garage and window/door frames on the house.  We have cleaned out sheds, the barn, the garage and the yard.  We have hauled loads to the dump and recruited help hauling loads to the Interval Home in Lloydminster!  (Now that I write this, most of that has been Howard....what have I been doing?!?!)
Now that the weather has turned colder, our efforts have mainly been focused indoors.  Ten days ago,  Howard started "the dreaded job"!  Our one and only bathroom has been in a disgusting state of disrepair since around 2003!  Howard demolished the bathroom and found it was rotten right to the studs behind the shower.  Funny how renos have a way of snowballing....  Anyway, he repaired the damage, rebuilt the wall, covered the window in the shower, hired plumbers to put in the tub and get the water back on quickly (Did I mention we only have 1 bathroom?), drywalled, installed a bathroom fan, taped, mudded and sanded.  And that is were we are today...mudding and sanding and mudding and sanding.  I am sooooo lucky to have a handy man!  (I also forgot to mention that while I was holding the sheet of drywall on the ceiling at 11:30 pm last Friday night, I stepped on the toilet tank and broke it!  We only had two screws into the drywall so just had to stay up on the ladders while the tank emptied all over the floor and flooded the basement....Did I mention we only have 1 bathroom?  No problem, the toilet still's just a MANUAL flush!) 
We are both looking forward to getting the sanding done so I can paint and Howard can install the flooring, vanity, sink and a flushing toilet!  It's funny how jobs just keep getting put off until a huge deadline is looming.  I just hope we can make it, otherwise, I'll be leaving instructions on how to work our manual toilet!