Cody Jackson and Mitchell Irvin heading off for a water break. Cody stayed in for all 8 overs (48 pitches!)
For the Jackson 6, cricket began on Saturday, February 4.  There were only 6 weeks left in the season but the organizers were very generous and found spots for all 4 of our boys on 4 different teams with their new mates!  Coworkers, friends of friends and even the sports store in town, donated cricket clothes to the Jackson boys!  We sent the 2 little boys with one new Mom friend and Kent with the new Dad friend.  Howard and I took Cody to his game and then began our tour around town to the 3 different parks where they were playing. 

The games began at 8:45 am and 9:00 am and all were done before noon which was great because it was a "very warm" day...+35C.   Just like home, everyone begged to go to a friend's house afterward (they all have pools!) and we ended up coming home with only one little boy.  He was happy to have us all to himself...I was happy too because he's the one that likes to sweep and vacuum! 

Cody and Kent play cricket at school almost everyday and Cody (and maybe Kent) will be trying out for the school cricket team very soon.  With all that practice, they will be better prepared when they start the cricket season again next October.

I have added all of the cricket pictures under the heading More/Sports.  I will load more in the next week because I didn't get very close photos of Kent.  Also, this Saturday will see Kent's #1 team take on Cody's team!  Should be exciting!  (I don't know who's going to take the little boys to their cricket.....might have to draw straws for that one!!)  Check back soon!  
cody jackson
2/9/2012 06:10:00 pm

no no no no wrong name mom its codys#1 team taking on kents team!! just kidding its true but i dont know how because his team is almost all year (grade) 5 kids.but mine is all year 6 kids!?

Jaiden wood
2/10/2012 09:02:48 am

Hey Cody,

looks like your having fun!!! wish i was there! Everyone misses you guys! but we all like josie and matilda!!

2/18/2012 11:52:59 am

Glad to see you are in your element boys!


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