Colt's 7th Birthday
Our kind, generous, little boy has turned 7 in Australia!  While anticipating our trip, Colt told everyone that we would celebrate his 7th birthday on the beach but, in fact, celebrated it at Sea World Australia.  He's not going to forget that one!  We enjoyed the day while watching the dolphin show and sea lion show again.  We also caught a 3D Sponge Bob show, the sharks and the polar bears.  We bought souvenirs and tonnes of candy.  Back at the motor home, the boys swam in the pool and then we ate birthday supper.  There was a yummy ice cream brownie cake (from 7-11) and presents, of course!  Thanks to everyone who called, e-mailed and sent messages on the blog.  He had a great day!  Colt also has birthday money to spend on toys when we get a chance to go shopping....He's very excited!   
1/27/2012 01:04:31 pm

Oh, I miss that smile! Glad to see it here. Happy birthday, Colt!!!

1/28/2012 11:18:00 am

Hi Colt! Love your birthday picture and all the other birthday pictures of you that mom posted under More...! You got some neat, Australia apprpriate presents. You will never forget your 7th Birthday. Mr. Conlan told us at supper on Australia day that one day McKenzie put her head in her hands and said "I miss Colt". And then Alexis said that she missed you too! You are a very popular boy!! Love Grandma Pat

pacen and reagan
2/13/2012 08:41:14 am

Happy 7th Birthday in Australia Colt! Hope your having a great time!
miss you guys!


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