Happy New Year, everyone!  We have met our Australian Family in the airport and were instantly connected.  The Conlans are as fun and happy as we imagined they would be.  We could have stayed and visited with them for days but two short hours was all we had.  They continued on to supper and Candy Cane Lane with Mom & Dad and then headed to the farm on New Year's Day.  They are all settled in and have been building snow forts and snow angels already!
After saying good bye to the Conlans and Mom & Dad, we headed through security and had a yummy supper of ribs while watching the World Jr. game.  Our flight to Vancouver was quick and uneventful.  We all watched movies/TV.  I don't think Khye even spoke once!  Our layover in Vancouver was also short.  We toured their airport and checked out the fish in the aquarium.  Two other exchange families from Alberta were also on our flight.  Stephanie will also live a few hours from Sydney and Joe and his family are heading south of Perth.  We may have to head that way for a visit.  They also brought 2 boys ages 13 and 10.  We were late taking off and didn't leave Vancouver until 12:25am on January 1.  The first third of our 15 hour flight was spent sleeping and after that, we ate, watched movies and colored.  No reading, minimal fighting, minimal napping :(  The boys were very amazing and rarely asked how much longer!  As we neared Sydney, we all changed into shorts and started to get very excited!  Customs was a breeze and we anxiously headed down the ramp looking for Mary's sisters Michaela and Marg.  I guess it isn't hard to pick out the Jackson 6 and we were all happy to find each other!  Our 9 suitcases and 8 carry ons were packed into their 2 cars and we were off on our first adventure!

Sydney is full of beautiful buildings and parks and I was thinking of you all along the way, Jodi!  We stopped at the botanical gardens where they were still taking down gates, etc. from New Year's Eve.  At the bottom of the hill was the harbour and across....the Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge!  I have to admit, I had a moment....relief, happiness, wonder.  We actually made it!  Walking around the harbour, we loved the gardens, the different birds and the fish & eels.  We had a picnic in the garden and then headed to our hotel.  We enjoyed a swim in the pool and a walk to the mall where we bought groceries and supper at.......McDs!  We all crashed by 8:00pm and we were up just after 6:00 am this morning.   We'll have to work on that!  We're off to buy a vehicle today so have to get going.  Thanks for all your wishes!  Talk soon.  Love JJ
Pat Feenstra
1/2/2012 10:46:43 am

Hi Our Jackson Family,
We were so happy to receive your phone call last night and to know you arrived safely and that Cody was okay with the flights inspite of his ear infections.

I love the pictures of the boys sleeping on the plane but especially the picture of all of you at the Sydney Harbour. Looks beautiful and warm!!

Vince, Mary, Tilda and Josie (from now on to be know as the "Conlans") were over for supper last night. Cody, Kent and Colt would be interested to know that the "Girls" ate their roast beef, mashed potatoes and vegetables on their buns just like they do. We have found out in the last two days that there are many, many more similarities between the Aussies and us Canucks then differences.

I took the Conlans to Lloydminster today to do some "warm" clothes and grocery shopping. They loved Walmart - especially the prices! They also loved Tim Hortons! Josie had been told about "timbits" from a friend. I told them that we opened Tim Hortons in Vermilion just because they were coming!

We are off tomorrow (Jan 3) to Wainwright to pick up their car. We were going to go today - Denwood Motors was open - but the insurance agency and Telus Mobility weren't - because of New Year's Day falling on Sunday.

Can't wait to hear about more of your adventures,
Love Dad and your long-winded Mom :)

the hodgsons
1/2/2012 12:43:57 pm

Hey jacksons - we are so jealous already! I've been thinking about you so much these past two days, so glad to hear the trip went so well. I'm just adding your blog to our favorites, cuz you are our favorites.

Luv y'all.

1/2/2012 04:37:48 pm

OMG, I miss you too! Paris, really?!?!?

Jodi Simmonds
1/2/2012 12:49:49 pm

We just met the Conlans...yah! They are great..couldn't be more fun and enthusiastic. Anita and I and the girls dropped by for a visit. Your place looks great and they seem right at home. LOVE the harbor pic!
Have some fun for us...tell the continent we say g,day!

Janice Jackson
1/2/2012 04:40:01 pm

Howard almost got hit TWICE yesterday when we walked to the mall! We cruised Paramatta for you today. Pick up the motorhome tomorrow....should be scary! I'll let you know!

Erin Niemans
1/4/2012 01:13:28 am

Wow- it's amazing how much can happen in just a few days!
So glad to see you have arrived safely and have started your great adventure... thinking of you often- have an amazing camping trip!

1/5/2012 05:28:31 am

I'm so glad everyone has arrived safe and sound and the adventures are beginning! I had a nice visit with your mom last night, Janice, as I hadn't had a chance to check out this blog yet. Enjoy the beach, and don't forget the sunscreen, all of you extremely white-skinned Canadians!

1/6/2012 10:11:34 am

Hi Jacksons
We were thrilled to see you made it safe and sound. We love all your pictures, Janice man can you write girl!!! Kent you look like a natural surfer in the water...Have a great time you guys!! We miss you already....


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