Now that the 4 boys and I are settled in at school, it is time for Howard to head back to reality too!  Our family and the Conlan family have done a TRUE exchange!  Vince and I have traded schools, we have all traded farms and Howard has now begun working for the same company that Mary works for...Ningana Enterprises...NEI. 

During our first week of school, Howard met some of his coworkers and toured their facilities.  They are a government agency that employs clients with disabilities.  They have a farm and a wine bottle labelling facility.  They are trying to build an organic strawberry farm and are two years away from achieving that status.  (I am still learning about their company so will add more as I learn more.)   Howard's role will be to act as a general labourer/farm hand/mechanic. 

My man began working full time for NEI on Monday, February 6.  That day was pretty easy as he completed more paperwork, opened an Aussie bank account, bought new work boots, had a breakfast meeting and picked up his work ute!  (The tires are a lot smaller than the big white ATCO Pipelines truck but we don't seem to have the need for them here!) 

Tuesday and today have seen reality set in!  Howard gets up at 5:00 am and is out of the house by 5:30 am.  He works from 6:00 am to 3:00 pm then drives to the school to meet the boys and I at 3:15 pm.  During these past 2 days Howard has picked very pokey weeds from the potatoe patch for 6 hours, fed the pigs, picked up sheep from a farm, labelled wine bottles, dug potatoes until there was a breakdown, ripped apart the broken machine, delivered broken parts to the welder, picked up new potatoe seeds, visited for 20 minutes with the police officers that pulled him over (checking that his potatoe seed load was secure - it was!), met all the employees and clients at another meeting, talked about Canada and explained to them where Mary is, labelled more bottles...etc.  I am sure I've forgotten something!  It was a busy and entertaining 2 days for sure!

The house is very quiet in the evenings now because all 5 of my men are in bed before 10 pm.  (If I knew what was good for me, I would be too!)  NEI will be a great company to work for and they have been very generous to us with Howard's wage, paid holiday time, vehicle, school holidaytime off, etc.  We appreciate Mary setting that up for us!  Thanks, Mary!  Again, I'll add more pictures when we get a tour of "Daddy's work". 

2/8/2012 06:55:43 am

Well, Howard, looks like those wheels will be a lot easier to change! You went down to small tires, but I moved up to bigger I'm hoping there are no flats with my No. 1 tire changer out of the country! Enjoy your new job!

Marg H
2/9/2012 08:31:44 am

I am loving your blog, Janice! It is great to see the boys and yourselves all settling in to your new abode. Enjoy the lake!

2/10/2012 01:34:00 am

Hi Jacksons! I couldn't see in the pictures..has Howard invested in the Aussie pull on work boots...they really are an important part of the Aussie look! The blog is great and I fully appreciate how much work it is to keep it updated. I always found my blog to be a great way to really fully appreciate what an adventure we were having and how lucky we really were. Thanks for working so hard to make it so great.
The Conlans have been introduced to curling, skating, sledding, cross country skiing, hockey, and basketball. We really enjoy how keen they are to try it all. Can't wait to hear about their dog sledding adventure coming up. Are your boys planning to try a littleAussie rules football?
Keep having fun!

2/11/2012 02:37:07 am

It's nice to see all of you busy and active as usual just in different gear! Love seeing the pics of the boys trying new things. We've yet to get enough snow to do any snowmobiling so the boys will be happy to hear that they're not missing out on that at all. I miss you all at school but your blog is at least a second best! We miss you less knowing that you are happy and doing well.

2/11/2012 11:09:11 am

Hey, J-6....we are enjoying your blog and photos. Our stuff is more phog and blotos---but we are still happenin' out West. Say, what do you do in your spare time???

2/11/2012 11:34:22 am

hey jacksons! the hodgsons are still loving checking out the blog each week to see what is new. riley says to wish colty a belated happy birthday and good luck to all the boys in cricket. zoe says hi to khye. jenn says i miss you feen. nathan says be quiet to all of us, as he is trying to watch the hockey game.

2/14/2012 07:30:39 pm

LOL! Read your message to Howard as he was trying to watch the cricket hockey on TV here and starting to go into withdrawl. Hope you are all great. Kisses back to Zoe and high 5s to Riley.

Tammy Jackson
2/21/2012 11:42:47 am

Very cool pictures guys, we are so glad your adventure is going great!!! Keep posting, we have never blogged before but are learning, so we can see what you guys are up 2!! Hugs from us all!! ENJOY!

Chuck Howsbro
2/26/2012 12:27:42 pm

Howie...interesting reading all the updates from Jan. It sounds like this is a great adventure for everyone and stuff that great memories are made of. Not to mention all the new friends. We had a foot of snow in the last 24 hours, so some big snow piles are started. Take care. Charlie & Caroline.


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