Following Howard's ute through the flood at Wigelli. Monday, March 5, 2:00 pm.
Thought I better send an update quickly because I know lots of you are wondering what's happening over here.  We're glued to the TV and radio to get all the latest details and will pass a few of them on to you right now.  It won't mean much to most of you but this is mostly for Vince, Mary and the girls.  

The rain has stayed away since Sunday morning and the farm continues to be dry.  The temperature is mid 20s and sunny....a super lovely Canadian summer day!  Yesterday (Monday), we headed out to work as usual.  The road by the T intersection remained under water although it was down considerably from Sunday morning.  The new surprise was the Wigelli turn.  (This is where we cross the train tracks for the 2nd time.)  The water was completely over the road but we were able to see the lines.  As we came around the 2nd curve, we could see that the water in the creek was at capacity!  Also, the driveway to the Wallace-Chapman farm was non-existent.  

At work, all of the staff made it in except one.  We also had one extra teacher because her school was flooded but they were to report for work at the nearest dry school....are you kidding?!?  They couldn't even have a day off?!?!  She worked in the Kindergarten all day.  

There were stories all day about the Wigelli creek spilling its' banks so the Jacksons were a little nervous about getting home.  I had release (a prep) at 2:00pm so Howard met us at the school and we left right away.  The Wigelli creek had not spilled over at the bridge yet but the water covering the road further down (on the east end of the curves) was twice as deep and twice as long as it had been at 9:00 am.  I followed Howard through and Cody snapped pictures for me.  The water was up to the seal of our doors.  

This morning we awoke at 6:00 am and listened to the radio for road and school closures just like we do in Canada!  There were no busses running from here to Leeton, Murrami school is closed (they have one??), and Yenda and Barellan have been evacuated.  (Yesteday there was talk of parts of Leeton being evacuated but I'm not 100% on that.) Howard got up and tried to drive to Griffith but turned around at the Wigelli turn.

Vince & Mary...we have not heard from Peter, Paul or Cathy and families.  We tried Paul's cell but I'm sure they are super busy on their farms or helping their neighbours.  You might want to contact them.  Marg has checked in with us several times. 
**Paul just called....their houses are all ok.  Paul is helping the neighbour sandbag his house.  *** 

Two hours down the road at Wagga, the river is to reach it's peak today at 10.9 meters.  Much of the city has been evacuated.  One of the Albertan teachers, Robyn and boyfriend Scott (the facilitator of happiness) are working in Wagga.  We haven't heard any news from them yet.  

I just got a text that we can get into Griffith on the Wilga Road so we'll have to figure that out tonight.  Cody's school cricket competition is cancelled again for tomorrow....people have more important things to worry about!

If anything else exciting happens, I will let you know.  Vince and Mary, we'll send you yesterdays' newspapers.

Talk soon.  JJ

Marg H
3/6/2012 07:19:26 am

Thanks for the update Janice - it's good to hear that you are all safe and dry. Keep up the good blogging!


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