I really hate to say it but our time here is winding down!  There are only 9 weeks to go until we fly home to the cold, the snow, 6 more months of school and...oh ya, our family that we miss so much!  (Ok, that part will be good.  The other stuff...not so much!  I also know that no one really feels sorry for us!)  We received 2 parcels on Wednesday full of Halloween treats, letters, pictures and gifts that we requested.  Thanks, Mom and Lori, for helping us out and for thinking of the boys at Halloween!
Kason Bowman - 6 months
Sorry to everyone else at home, but I think we are all most excited to meet our little nephew and cousin, Kason.  Seriously, could he be any cuter?!  I just want to kiss that toothless mouth and squeeze him tight!  (Yes, I'm going to be one of THOSE Aunties!)

Since returning from New Zealand, October has been chaotic!  I was warned that Term 4 would be like that.  It's like May/June at home but with a BIG end of year concert to add to the pressure!  Actually, I'm feeling really good about everything at home and at school right now which is excellent because we are able to really enjoy our last weeks here.

The boys and Howard are playing on 6 cricket teams and 3 touch football teams.  Add another 4 practice days and it's a pretty full week.  We also have a list of things that we still want to squish in before we go and we had better start working on those!  Time is flying!

The boys have been spending every possible minute with their friends at play days and sleepovers.  They are trying to fit a lifetime into a few weeks.

An impromptu play day and supper.
Kent the pianist.
The Griffith citrus sculptures were on display a couple of weeks ago.  We took the boys downtown after school to snap a few pictures. 
Colt presenting Khye with a leader award.
There has been a lot going on at school too.  We have had an Aladdin performance, another disco, and several assemblies.  Colt and Khye are taking swim lessons every Wednesday, Cody golfs and Kent has games both on Fridays. 

Assessments have started and Colt loves to show his perfect spelling tests.  Khye's class is taking turns bringing home toys that they play with and then write about.  On Friday night, I was about to give him heck for not getting ready for bed but he was doing his writing and had already finished 4 sentences and a picture without any help!  Cool!

We've had a fairly relaxed weekend.  Kent's best mates were both out of town and we told the boys that there would be no sleepovers this weekend.  We've caught up on lots of jobs around the house and yard and are getting ready for our own little Halloween party this week.  We might even have Canadian company next week, so we're getting ready for that too.  Five Irma boys are playing fastball with Team Canada in Argentina.  We're going to be watching and cheering for them. 

And so, that's what's going on around here.  We are trying our hardest to slow down the clock so that we can fit in all our last minute plans.  Looking forward to all of the exciting events on our calendar and we're going to pack in as much as we can!   JJ

Jodi S.
10/28/2012 04:04:40 am

Oh, Janice. I can hear it in your words...the countdown. The time when you start to get soo excited to see family and friends at home and yet at the same time prepare to say goodbye to so many. It is not easy I know. What a truly amazing adventure you have had this past year. We can't wait to see you all.


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