I talked to Mom yesterday morning and I told her cricket was cancelled because it was pouring rain.  Wagga Wagga (a city 2 hours away) was going to flood by Thursday but we were in no danger.....Oops!  Looks like I under estimated the power of Mother Nature!  Look at our road 24 hours later!

It has been a very wet week.  Between Sunday, February 26 and Saturday, March 3, it has rained 28 cm or over 11 inches here at the farm.  Yesterday (Saturday) alone was 8.5cm or 3.5 inches!  The kids were crazy at school because they had to stay indoors for much of the week and when they were allowed out, they came back in with soaking shoes and clothes!  The flooding started on the highways yesterday afternoon and, when I drove home from Griffith at 10pm last night, it was completely covering the highway in places.  

This morning, Howard took me back into work (and later picked me up) and I snapped pictures along the way.  Check them out under More/Flood.  The section of the highway that was flooded last night was almost bare today but the highway flooded again just around the corner.  Also, Yoogali, the village directly beside Griffith, was evacuated earlier today.  We saw kids playing with boogie boards on their front lawn and my teacher friend has pictures on Facebook of kids kayaking down her street.  We may not see her for a day or two!

As for Boongarra Farm, it was soggy last night.  When we arrived home, there was a lake in part of the circular driveway and at the entrance of the car port.  It was dark and pouring rain so my pictures didn't turn out.  This morning when I went to get pictures....there wasn't a puddle to be seen!!  Amazing!  Vince says that's what happens when you build on sand!  Whew!  The only water damage to the house is wet carpet long the north facing wall in the music room.  That should dry out quickly.  There has been no rain today and the forecast is for sun for the week. 

While we are very relieved to have missed the eye of this storm, we are still thinking of our Alberta friends in Wagga, Albury and all around NSW.  The floods are to hit their peak of 10m in Wagga on Tuesday.  Stay dry and safe everyone....You are always welcome to join us at the farm if you can get here!    
Marg H
3/4/2012 08:14:56 am

HI Jackson 6 - glad to hear to are managing to keep dry. Just remember to stay out of flood water - there are all sorts of creepy crawlies (i.e snakes!!) in there along with the logs and debris.
Just another adventure down under!!

3/4/2012 11:56:16 am

So, do you get "rain" days in Australia, like we get "snow" days in Alberta? Is that how March comes in like a lion in Oz?

Jodi Simmonds
3/4/2012 01:13:02 pm

Wow! Blizzards and droughts I can handle but floods and fires make me nervous. Good thing sunshine is on the way. Stay dry!

Anita Dutchak
3/5/2012 01:48:24 am

Glad to hear the rain has stopped! I hope the sun is shining and things are drying out quickly. Nothing like a bit of excitement. Take Care!


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